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The Game Chef

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Here at The Game Chef we know a thing or two about being creative with the countryside’s finest. Having provided around 2000 shoot lunches over the last few years, we’ve had enough practice. The company was created by Tom Godber-Ford Moore, who cut his culinary teeth cooking around the Mediterranean for clients ranging from Italian artists to the King of Spain. He has eaten and drunk his way around most of the region, and now applies all he learnt to the medium of Game.

Game Chef HQ being bang in the middle of Exmoor, there is certainly no shortage.

We work with a number of local shoots, and the National Trust, to provide us with a supply of meat that we think is the finest around. We are heavily involved in the shooting world…by which we mean that during the season nothing exists outside the shooting world…and firmly believe that one of the best ways to ensure the sustainability of our sport is to make sure that every animal shot goes into the food chain.
We think our products make this as easy (and delicious) as possible…

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